And We Call This Liberation?

by James Glaser
February 18, 2004

We have now had the National debate about the War in Iraq. Those in Washington from both parties are still telling us, getting rid of Saddam Hussein made everything worth while. The 540+ American deaths, the over 3000 wounded Americans and the tens of thousands of wounded and maimed Iraqis were worth it as far as Washington is concerned. I don't know what they think of the continued daily losses on both sides.

The focus on the War has changed, because we can't seem to find all of those tons and liters of chemical and biological weapons. Everyone is now talking about the Liberation of the Iraqi people and how we are bringing Democracy to that country.

Wait a minute and think about this; something is wrong with our Liberation. America doesn't want the Iraqi people to really be free. Like free enough to decide for themselves what kind of a government they should have.

You see we have hand picked an interim government for Iraq that is right now working on a constitution for the country. We all know that some of these people would be in Prison if they visited the wrong country, because they are convicted felons that have warrants out for them. Now get this, the United States of America, can see no problem with these criminals writing a constitution for Iraq. There are whole segments of the Iraqi population that have no input into the creation of this new government. All men are created equal if they live in North America, but not in the Middle East.

Something, we forgot to tell the world and the Iraqi people; the United States has veto power over the type of government they choose for their country. Paul Bremer, the Lord High Sheriff of Baghdad will tell the Iraqi Nation if their choice falls within our guidelines.

Here is what is happening. Those people we set up in the interim government are no longer playing ball with us. They are starting to think they can have any type of government they want. However they haven't read all the fine print in their mandate. Paul Bremer has told them, "Our position is clear, and the text that is in there now is as I say. It can't become law until I sign it." No matter what these people decide, George Bush, through Paul Bremer will tell Iraq if their chosen government fits in with the way he is thinking. This is called Nation Building....from the outside.

This is the deal, the United States put together a group of Iraqis that we felt would do as we told them to. These people started talking to the people of Iraq and the religious clerics and found if they played ball with America and wrote a Constitution that the Americans wanted, the Iraqi people would revolt. So they have started to look at their religious roots and the constitution they are writing is starting to look very Islamic.

Having Iraq turn into any kind of an Islamic State is totally unacceptable with Washington and George Bush can not let this happen. If Iraq turns into an Islamic country, George can kiss his reelection goodbye.

Washington is totally against one man one vote elections in Iraq. They want to have hand picked caucuses from all over the country come to Baghdad and vote on the Constitution, but the Iraqi people, because of past corruption, do not trust this way and want to have everyone vote, just like we do here in the United States. In Iraq the majority of people (about 60%) are Shiite and their top religious cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has called for direct elections before the June 30th deadline Washing set for turning power over to the Iraqi people.

George Bush and his people can not let the Iraqi people vote, because they will vote for some sort of an Islamic State. So George had to have his people go to the UN and ask them to come to Iraq and tell the Iraqi people that free and fair elections would be difficult by June 30th.

The head of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, Sheikh Sadreddin al-Kubbanji, said, "I think that if one seeks to impose a solution other than what the Iraqi population wants, it would spark a crisis and none of the parties want this to happen."

Now we are looking at the very good possibility that a civil war will break out in Iraq. In the Northern part of Iraq we have the Kurds, who have their own culture, language, and desire for an independent Kurdistan. This may very well be the Kurds only chance to have a nation of their own and they know this. They can't trust us because when they tried to take on Saddam at the first President Bush's urging, America abandoned them and they were slaughtered

We have the Sunni people in Baghdad and west that want everything the way it was before we attacked, because along with Saddam, they were in power. It is thought that right now they are the people killing our troops and any Iraqis that cooperate with us.

Then we have the Shiite in the south and east that want a government based on Islamic law. These people are the majority, making up 60% of the population. Like the Kurds, The United States watched as Saddam slaughtered tens of thousands of these people after George Bush senior's call on them to overthrow Saddam.

The Sunni people hate us and are trying to throw us out of the country, the other 80% of the population, the Kurds and Shias, don't trust us because we screwed them after the last war. Bush and his government knew this going in, but for some crazy reason thought everyone would dance in the streets when the US Army and Marines blew their country to bits.

We are not going to win this one! Oh, we might be able to get away with passing power to our puppets like we did in Afghanistan, but these three groups in Iraq hate each other. Saddam kept the lid on with a ruthless rule and killed anyone that even started to talk about change. Saddam killed tens maybe hundreds of thousands of the Kurds and Shiite and that just kept the lid on.

George Bush is trying to bring liberation to a country that wants more than that. Some in Iraq want to divide into three separate states and it will take many, many American lives over many years to stop them from doing it.

The real sad part in all of this is the fact that young Americans and Iraqis are getting killed each and every day. President Bush says he wants four more years in power so he can continue to bring peace and prosperity to America and the world. No, I'm not making that up, he really thinks that is what he is doing.

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