America's New Battle Cry—Adopt Democracy or Die!

by James Glaser
April 12, 2004

When CBS News asked Marine Lt.Col. Brennen Byrne about the over 600 dead Iraqis killed by Marines in Fallujah he said, "What I think you will find is 95% of those were military age males that were killed in the fighting."

CBS News then said that "statistics and names of the dead were gathered from four main clinics around the city and from Fallujah General Hospital." "The dead totaled more than 600, most of them women, children, and elderly."

While in the Marine Corps, I learned that Marine Officers will say anything, even lie through their teeth when talking about civilian deaths caused by their troops. United States Marines suffer and morale goes down hill, when they find out they have been killing mothers and their children, so their officers will tell them anything to keep them from finding out,

The total number of dead may be way higher as there are reports of people burying their dead without first bringing them to the hospital.

Do you ever wonder like I do, why we do not hear about Iraqi men picking up weapons and helping our troops kill the evil people in their country so that they can get a Democratic Government?

We have been told over and over again by the White House, Senators, and Representatives that most Iraqis are happy that we are their and it is only a small minority and a few foreign terrorists that are fighting us.

I guess the rest of the country is sitting around waiting for voting day so that they can claim their new freedom. Kids are going to all these new schools that politicians are talking about as their parents are heading off to their new jobs, so they don't have time to help us out.

Mean while, American troops are in pitched battles killing hundreds or thousands of these evil Iraqis and their children, wives, and parents so that Democracy can flourish for the rest of the nation. Are we great or what?

How can any American now buy the lies told by our Government?

We are now fighting Iraqis in a reported fourteen towns. Both Shia and Sunni Muslims are now fighting us and the Shia are bringing food, medical supplies, and even blood to the Sunnis in Fallujah. Before we attacked their country, these two religious sects would not cooperate on any level.

Try and envision American helicopters and jets firing rockets to destroy homes and buildings in Fallujah or any other city in Iraq. They do this to either punish a suspected enemy or to deny the them cover.

Well as these aircraft come in on an attack run, they have no idea if there are women or children in that building. If there are, I would have to call that MURDER. Sorry if you don't like that, but what the heck else could you call it? The Republicans, whose War this is, call those acts of killing, "Unfortunate." That isn't even close to adequate. Think about if the children killed were your kids. Would you call it MURDER?

We are killing thousands of people in Iraq and use the excuse that the Iraqi people want us there so we can bring them Democracy. I heard of no one from Iraq asking us to do this before the war started and you know if they had, Washington would have made that a center piece of there build up to the war.

John Le Boutiller, a former Congressman writes, "Democracy ­ this unique system of freedom of speech and assembly, decision-making through public voting and a free press, honest courts and a desire for justice ­ is not something "given" or "imposed" from the outside."

George Bush and the United States can not make Iraq a Democracy, only the people of Iraq can do that. Right now those Iraqi people have a bigger job and that is to kick us out of their country.

George Bush has forgotten that Iraq, belongs to the Iraqi people and he has no claim on it. Iraqi Patriots are now dieing trying to protect their country from you and me. Our government is right now killing women and children and pretending by doing that we are bringing Iraq freedom. Now is that sick or what?


President Bush declassified and released the daily intelligence briefing of August, 6th 2001. It was titled, "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the US." It talked about possible hijackings.

President Bush now tells us that if he had any idea that terrorists were going to attack the World Trade Center he would have moved Heaven and Earth to stop them. I have no doubt that is true.

What is totally unconscionable is that George Bush's government, then warned his Cabinet not to fly Commercial Airlines, but said nothing to the American public. That wouldn't have stopped the terrorist attack, but it would have given the passengers on those four planes the chance to make an informed choice to fly or not.

With the deaths of two US Army pilots on Sunday and the announcement of eight additional unreported American military deaths, the total number of troops killed this weekend was 16. That is of course if the Military told us about all of the troops that were killed. I believe they will start to lie now about losses as it makes them look bad. You will notice that nothing is said about the total number of wounded, but if you look at the ratio of Killed in Action to Wounded in Action so far in this war, you would have to believe that several hundred Americans were wounded in this past week. However, that information is what we now call a, Military Secret.

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