Wait A Minute George, What About Those Terrorists and the WMD?

by James Glaser
April 19, 2004

What happened? Did I miss it or has George taken us off on a new tangent? I could always buy the War on Terrorism and really who wants other despots to have weapons of mass destruction? Isn't it bad enough that our despot has his finger on the button?

Think about that..... George Bush controls our whole nuclear arsenal. I doubt if the guy ever even had a firearms safety class.

The other night in his speech to the Nation, George said, "Freedom is the Almighty's gift to every man and women in this world. And as the greatest power on the face of the Earth, we have an obligation to help the spread of freedom,.....That is what we have been called to do, as far as I'm concerned."

I have to ask, who was calling? Where did we pick up this obligation and when did we discuss this new national policy? Is this obligation in the Constitution? Do any of you believe that George Bush has actually read our Constitution or Bill of Rights? Does anyone really know if George can read?

I have a hard time understanding what is going on in the White House. We start a war in Iraq to take away their Weapons of Mass Destruction and when we find out there aren't any, we morph the cause into stopping terrorism. When George finally admits that he can find no connection between Saddam Hussein and the terrorists, we all of a sudden morph it one more time to this new "Freedom" thing. Third time around and just to make everything clear, George makes this pretty much an order from God.

Think back to Daddy Bush. Daddy Bush asked the Iraqi people to rise up against Saddam and take their freedom. They did just that and were slaughtered by the tens of thousands as Daddy Bush and the United States Army stood by and watched. That is where many of the Mass graves they are finding now come from. Those are Bush's Mass Graves as much as Saddam's.

So now our troops are Freedom Fighters. We are bringing freedom to Iraq with Shock and Awe bombings. We installed our hand picked government. We close any newspapers that don't print our line. Yes in deed, we are bringing freedom to Iraq, the same kind of freedom George Bush is trying to install right here in America.

You know what? In Iraq our troops can take anyone they want to off to prison. No charge, no court, no lawyer, and no sense of freedom. You know what else? George Bush can do that same thing right here in the United States..... and he has.

We are not bringing Freedom to Iraq. We are making Iraq a occupied country that has a puppet government that Washington can control so that we can have permanent Military Bases in the Middle East.

That is what we are doing, so let's be honest with the world and tell them the truth because other than the American Citizen, everyone else in the world knows what is going on.

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