If You Think Jesus Christ Is Telling George Bush To Kill Kids, Then You Should Vote For Him
by James Glaser
Because that is what George Bush is doing, along with the little kids, Bush is killing their innocent parents and their brothers and sisters. This is both in Iraq and Afghanistan along with any other countries we have sent either our troops or the new American weapon, Paid Mercenaries. If you think that George is talking to the Prince of Peace and he is telling George, Yes, use those bombs, use those machine guns, and use those tanks. If you think that is the way that Jesus Christ would tell the President of the United States to bring about Peace in the Middle East, then yes, vote for the man. Maybe though you are like me and have this sneaking suspicion that George Bush is talking to the Devil and that it is really Satan that is telling George to start wars. The Devil is tricky and will do anything to increase the evil in this world and let's face it, George Bush is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. George Bush could very well believe that he is doing the Lords work when he sends the most powerful military force in the history of the world to attack two pitiful third world Muslim countries. However, when you stand back and think about it, Jesus Christ loved little children and I doubt that he would encourage a war that he knows will kill those little innocent kids by the hundreds. Nobody knows just how many kids we have killed so far in Bush's Presidency, because Washington refuses to keep any sort of count. I guess if I was killing kids, I wouldn't want to keep count either. Now I am not going to thump real loud here and I know anyone can cherry pick the Bible and make anything sound Divine, but I always liked, James 3: 17&18. "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure: then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." I also like that Jesus Christ said these words. Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers. for they will be called sons of God. Jesus is the Son of God and he says that those that make peace will be called a son of God too. I could go on and on. "Love your Enemies" How can you love an enemy and at the same time kill his wife and children? George Bush's idea about war bringing peace makes no sense at all. It is my opinion that George Bush is either a delusional man who is mixed up about the word of God or he is an agent of the Devil, trying to expand the evil in this world. |
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