I Have To Tell You I Am Getting Sick Of Iraq

by James Glaser
April 26, 2004

About every day now there are reports of several Americans getting killed in Iraq. It used to be one or maybe two killed a day, now there are several attacks and the average number of American combat deaths per day is over four

Washington says we can't leave or we will look weak. That is not true, we destroyed Iraq's army in a matter of days and we have the greatest military the world has ever seen. Those guys in Washington aren't worried we will look weak if we leave, they are worried Defense Industry profits will fall

I don't care if we look weak and really who cares what a few Iraqis believe, anyone in this world that counts, knows we can destroy anybody we want to in a matter of minutes. Really now, there are not going to be any Iraqis either that believe we are weak, all they have to do is look around their country and see what we did in no time at all.

The real story here is that if we leave there are many Americans that won't get super rich off of a continued war. Every Humvee, every tank, every helicopter, every weapon we lose or every weapon we fire, is one more we have to buy from somebody that is making big bucks off the American tax payer.

We could walk away and tell the United Nations we will kick in X amount of dollars to reconstruct the country. I know people will talk about the kick backs the UN Staff got in the Oil for Food Program before the war, but think about all the corruption we have seen already. Haliburton was selling us gas for a buck a gallon higher that the Iraqis could sell it for. Halliburton was charging us for 42,000 meals a day and they were really only providing 16,000 meals. That was a tidy profit. Who knows what other scams are going on right now?

It doesn't matter who does the work, when there are thousands of millions of dollars involved there are going to be people who figure out a way to cheat.

Those are the people who want us to stay in Iraq. They are the people who don't care if we keep losing troops. They are the people who give large amounts of money to the politicians in Washington so they will say we can't bring the troops home, because that would make us look weak.

No matter what happens we still don't have any idea of even how to get the troops home even if we wanted to. Republican Senator John Mc Cain is quoted as saying, "There is no plan," when asked about an exit plan for getting our troops out of Iraq.

We could lose hundreds of more young Americans while we are trying to figure out how to bring the troops home. George Bush has screwed this war up big time, but all is not lost, because he has made lots of money for the people who support him and unfortunately, that is what this war and almost all American wars in the last 55 years have been about.

There are families in America that have been getting very rich from sales to the Military since the start of WWII and they don't want us to ever attain Peace or their profits will crumble. Generations of helping politicians convince the American people that we must go to this war or that one. The war doesn't matter, what matters is that the profits continue. It doesn't matter how many of our troops die or get wounded, in fact the higher the losses get, the greater the profits get/

The more we bomb, the more we shoot, the more of our equipment that gets destroyed, the better it is for some Americans. War equals profit for some industries and profits mean money in contributions for many politicians.

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