Bush and the Republicans are Out of Touch on These Two
by James Glaser
I was just now listening to our President on National Public Radio tell the nation that things in the Iraqi city of Fallujah are looking good. He actually said that it was looking "good." He said that most of the city was back to normal, but there were some pockets of resistance. Then about two minutes later on the News of the Hour, it was told that Marines were fighting insurgents in Fallujah and the Marines were getting shot at with heavy machine guns and rocket propelled grenades. We had attack helicopters on the scene. I don't think the President has any idea of what really happens in a war. I don't care how big the city is, if troops are battling it out with heavy machineguns, firing rocket propelled grenades, and there are choppers on the scene firing down on one side, no where in that city are things getting back to normal. President Bush made it sound like kids were playing in the streets or going to school and mothers were hanging their laundry out. This scares the hell out of me because either our President is out of touch with what is going on in his war or they aren't telling him what is going on. Of course he could be lying to us and saying that everybody should be happy, things are fine, the Marines will clean up those dirty little pockets of resistance, and soon the troops will be coming home, so don't forget to vote Bush in November. This week everybody on the President's team was slamming John Kerry's War record. John Kerry was awarded the Sliver Star, The Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts for shedding blood in combat. The man is a certifiable American Hero. The Republicans have to be nuts to make any attack on Kerry's war record. At almost every VFW function I go to, George Bush's military record comes up and I have to tell you that most of the Veterans I talk to think George Bush not only went AWOL, but that he is a Deserter and should be in Jail, not the White House. These guys are not crazy Vietnam Vets like me, these are WWII and Korean War vets, who think this is a serious flaw in Bush and the Republican Party. So why would Bush start this whole controversy over again? It was behind him and John Kerry to his credit, never said "jack" about George's service, that is until now. John Kerry is pissed that Republicans are slamming his service and he should be. The guy was wounded three times! I think it is the television spots that Kerry is putting out that show him in the Nam. All George can show is being on that Aircraft Carrier with the Mission Accomplished banner. Still it is foolish for Bush to try and cast doubt on Kerry's war record. Even Veterans that don't particularly like Kerry are now going to stand up and say that this is wrong and it is. Personally, I don't think much of John Kerry as a Presidential Candidate. I think he is going to lose. The guy voted for the war in Iraq, he voted for the PATRIOT ACT, and now he says we have to keep our troops over there. That is not what I want to hear from the man I am voting for. I do respect John Kerry for his service in the war and I respect his work trying to stop that war after he came home I want the Democrats to dump Kerry and get a Candidate who is different that George Bush on Foreign Policy. I think George is hurting America by alienating so many of our friends. We had the world behind us after the 9/11 attack. Today billions of people believe that George Bush is a terrorist and an impediment to peace. I think he is too. George Bush, with his wars, has caused the deaths of thousands and thousands of innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Way more innocent people were killed in those two countries by American forces, than the three thousand innocent Americans killed on September 11th, 2001 by terrorists. And you know what else? Not one of those 19 terrorists that killed our people came from Iraq or Afghanistan. The whole world knows this is true and they also know that George Bush couldn't say anything to the countries that really attacked us, Saudi Arabia (with 14 of the terrorists) or Egypt and Yemen where the others came from, because his family has too many business deals with those countries. Starting a war with the Saudis who financially sponsored the whole attack would hurt Daddy Bush and the family fortune. Hey, somebody has to say it. |
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