Have You Heard Any Good News Out of Washington Lately?
Are We the Evil One?

by James Glaser
May 18, 2004

Well I haven't. Some in our government almost thought the decapitation of an American looking for work in Iraq was a good thing because it focused the news on terrorist crime for a day or so and took it off American crimes.

Monday you could almost hear the White House yelling, "We told you so," when it was reported that a roadside bomb contained the Weapon of Mass Destruction, "sarin."

Like so many other things in this war, an announcement made in the morning had to be qualified in the afternoon. On this one, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had to tell America not to jump to any conclusions just yet.

Rumsfeld said that the "field test" showing sarin may not be accurate. Some reports say the bomb was made with a 13 year old artillery shell, while others say the shell contained two chemicals that are supposed to combine and create sarin, but they didn't mix as they should. But hey, now many Americans are saying that the White House was right about WMDs. This is the same way Washington got most Americans to believe that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11. Say anything in the morning real loud and retract it in the evening softly.

For many months now there has been nothing but bad news about the War on Terror. I heard a Senator on Public Radio talk about how great the economy is now and this evening I read on the Drudge Report that the Stock Market hit year long lows today. It is reported that the section of the work force with the greatest growth during George Bush's time in office is Prison Guards.

We now have over 200,000 new prison guards and that is good news for the White House and the Republican Party. I find that a pretty sad. Washington is looking for anything to talk about so they don't have to talk about the war.

We are taking troops out of South Korea because we have no others we can send to Iraq. Monday there was a report that Baghdad, still did not have the electrical power that it had before the war. Electricity is needed to pump water for indoor plumbing and refrigeration to store perishable food.

American news from the Middle East is so bad that you and I are now paying for an American Television Station that broadcasts what we want the Arab world to hear. Can you imagine what we would say if Arab countries hired American talking heads to broadcast what they wanted us to hear and then just beamed it into our country? You have to know that George Bush would go to war over that.

I saw a picture of an American Soldier in a class room with a bunch of Iraqi kids. I kid you not, the American was the only one smiling. We hear about all the schools that we have rebuilt, but we never see them on the news. Do you think they have a George Bush High School or a Dick Cheney High some place in Iraq?

Can you imagine what would happen in America if because of a flood some state lost electrical power for over a year? It would be chaos. We have spent billions and billions of dollars over in Iraq and still the country is filled with bad news. We still can't get the utilities working as well a Saddam did.

I am not even going to mention the sick prison torture episode. That whole thing is bad news.

The fighting over in Iraq is all bad news too. We now have Saddam's officers and troops in charge of the city of Fallujah. We are playing with fire down south of Baghdad, (which is out of the Sunni Triangle) in the town of Najaf. That is where the holiest site in all of Iraq is, the Shrine of Imam Ali. The Iraqi Shia will flip right out if we destroy it and we have already shot into the dome. We are pushing closer with battle tanks that are run by young Americans looking for revenge for their fallen comrades.

Red Cross reports tell us that 90% of the 20,000 Iraqi men we are holding in prisons are innocent of any wrong doing. If you are the right age and male, we arrest you. How would you feel and what would you do if you were one of these guys and you got released? How about all the people whose homes we have destroyed?

There isn't going to be any good news coming out of Washington in the near future unless it is an announcement that we are pulling our troops out of Iraq. It is hard to find good news when you are losing a war. Over 80% of all Iraqis now want us out of their country. We have done almost everything wrong in this war.

In the Middle East the United States is known as The Great Satan and after this war in Iraq I think we are going to be called EVIL and to tell you the truth I think we are. Yes, I know all the troops went over there thinking we were going to liberate Iraq. What do you think those troops thought when nobody was dropping flower petals in front of them as they rolled into Baghdad?

Believe me, American troops now know what is going on over there. They will fall all over themselves to sound positive for politicians that question them, especially those troopers that are making the military a career, but they really do know this war is lost.

Both the Army Times and the Stars and Stripes report a massive amount of troops with very low moral. These Soldiers and Marines know things are in the shitter when they have to do their second tour of duty after only a few months at home.

Those young men and women that have been extended several times now have to be totally pissed at their Commander in Chief. You can only lie to the troops and their families so many times before they stop believing anything you say.

It was the same way in Vietnam. We knew we were losing the war in 1968. We had all the fire power anyone would want, but we were sick of killing civilians and our troops in Iraq know only too well how many civilians they have had to kill and it is now eating on them. It will only get worse when they get home and sit and think.

What we have done to the Iraqi people and their country is out and out evil. Sure we went over there with good intentions, but like all wars, it got away from us. It starts from the top down.

The White House decided last year that we didn't need to obey the Geneva Convention. That same White House decided that they knew how to fight a war better than the Generals and they did it their way and that is why we are in so much trouble.

Twenty years from now American businessmen will still be getting killed by those we have mistreated so much in this war. Think about somebody that you really hate and then think what they could do to redeem themselves in your eyes.

I know there are a few people that I don't like at all and nothing they could do would change how I feel about them. They are scum and always will be. Well America, because of George Bush's war is scum in many people's eyes.

I think we have an Evil President and an Evil Administration and nothing we do now will change that. There are now billions of people the world over that think the same about our President and our Government. That is such a shame, when you stop to think how far we have fallen in such a short amount of time.

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