We Are So Lucky, That Some of Bush’s Own People Are Thinking of America First

by James Glaser
June 24, 2004

In George Bush's first couple of years in office everything was going good, because everyone kept their mouths shut and their e-mail in check. It was us, verses them. You and I are the "them."

Leaks from the White House and the administration started out slow, but when people realized that thousands of American troops were getting killed and wounded, more and more secret things made it to the public.

Back in July of 2003, Ambassador Joe Wilson got sick of the President lying about Iraq buying uranium from Africa and he went public with the truth. All of the papers that Bush was holding up as proof were forged, and the President knew it.

In October of 2003, United States Chief Weapons of Mass Destruction searcher, David Kay, decided that he had listened to the administration's talk of Iraqi weapons long enough and he told the American people that there were no weapons to find.

Today there are headlines like, "White House Disavows Memo on Torture" and "Rumsfeld Approved Use of Dogs Against Prisoners." This a day after the President released a stack of papers that he claimed proved that he didn't allow torture as an American Military tool.

Now Bush's own people watch him attempt to bullshit the American people, and they get mad, and start sending out copies of paper work that Bush wanted to keep secret.

The Washington Post wrote on June 9th, "The legal opinions that the Pentagon and the Justice Department seek to keep secret....Lay out a shocking and immoral set of justifications for torture...The President of the United States was declared empowered to disregard US and international law and order the torture of foreign prisoners."

The Post could write that because somebody in the White House sent the memos that were supposed to be "Secret" to them.

On June 8th, Attorney General John Ashcroft, told the Senate that "this administration rejects torture." Well somebody couldn't stomach that lie and sent out the paper work that Ashcroft refused to give to the United States Senate.

Because of White House leaks, Jess Bravin of the Wall Street Journal could write, "Bush administration lawyers contended last year that the President wasn't bound by laws prohibiting torture and that government agents who might torture prisoners at his direction couldn't be prosecuted by the Justice Department." Now that Administration staffers have seen the photographs of our torture of Iraqi prisoners, they realize that all of this paper work was done to protect the President and those actually killing and inflicting pain on real people and they didn't want to be part of that...so that "secret" paper work started going out to American news papers.

Many people now have copies of the reports that let Bush allow torture. The one Ashcroft refused to give to the Senate was titled, "Working Group Report on Detainee Interrogations in the Global War on Terrorism: Assessment of Legal, Historical, Policy, and Operational Considerations."

According to Nate Hentoff, of the Village Voice, at the bottom of this report was a note that said, "Classified by Secretary Rumsfeld... Declassify on: 10 years

So after George Bush had been retired for at least several years, they were going to let you and I read that the President of the United States can blow off all of our laws and any treaties that we have signed and just like Saddam Hussein, we can torture whoever we want to.

I think the people who work for President Bush, that have become so disgusted with his lies and evil doing, that they will now work for you and I and America by giving out this administrations secrets to the press, are actually saving this nation. With out them, Bush would really run amuck and no one knows how much evil he could do, if he was given a free hand.

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