Why Can’t I Have A Candidate?

by James Glaser
August 2, 2004

It is a sad time in America today. There are mothers all over this country that are crying because they have lost their son or daughter in George Bush's War on Terrorism. Thousands of American families now have children who are maimed for life. Some are blind, while others have lost multiple limbs. This is an election year and at the same time, in both Afghanistan and Iraq we are at war. American troops are getting killed and wounded every day.

Neither the Democrat nor the Republican candidate even talks about peace or how we can end these two wars. John Kerry says, "I know what to do about Iraq," but his idea is a larger American military and more foreign combat troops helping us kill people. Bush has no idea of what to do, and doesn't even claim he does. Mean while more and more American Soldiers and Marines are getting killed and maimed, as the violence waged upon innocent Iraqis and Afghans escalates.

If you love war or you are pro-choice you have two prime candidates in George Bush and John Kerry, but if you are anti-war and think the United States has killed enough innocent people in the last hundred years, you have no one. Yes, George Bush might be pro-fetus, but there is no way you can say the man is pro-life. Heck even Bush brags about being a War-President, that is his whole reelection strategy. A War-President cannot claim to hold all life sacred. On the other side, John Kerry is doing everything he can think of, to prove that he is willing keep America killing all over the globe.

If you want a bigger and bigger federal government, with more and more spending, then either Bush or Kerry will fill your bill, but what about me? I don't like Deficit spending, I don't want a bigger Army, I don't want us to double the amount of Green Berets we have so we can move into even more countries with our armed forces. Who can I vote for?

Just this morning George Bush was on the radio telling the nation that his economic policies are working and that the Deficit will be one hundred billion dollars less than he thought this last spring. As soon as he was done speaking, the News came on with a report that this year's deficit of 455 billion will be the largest in the history of our country.

John Kerry told the nation this week what a great war time President he will make. Never did the man talk about peace or how we obtain it, no he talked about, with John Kerry in the White House, America would be able to get more foreign troops involved in our wars and at the same time, even with all of this new help, Kerry plans to make our country's armed forces even more powerful than they are now and with tens of thousands of more troops. He says he will restore trust in the White House. I don't know how we can garner trust by making our military even bigger and I don't know why I can't have a candidate to vote for. Doesn't anyone in the Democratic Party even think about peace?

I hear, "Anyone but Bush," but does that mean we want a man like John Kerry, who voted to go to war in Iraq, who voted for the PATRIOT ACT even before he read it, a man who now only talks about more and more killing, more and more military spending, more guns and more equipment for our troops? Who can I vote for?

It seems to me that I remember someone saying that we had Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb to choose from during the last election with Bush and Gore. This year I think it is same-o, same-o, for our choice between Bush and Kerry.

I hate to say it, but I think in his fear of being branded soft on National Security, John Kerry has become the War Monger Candidate. Right now I know that George Bush wants to attack other countries like Iran, but he can't because our troops are stretched too thin. Killing gets into a person's blood and Bush's lust for killing is high, plus it looks good in his poll numbers. Kerry has already told us that he will fix the troop strength problem and add foreign fighters to our cause. John Kerry will be able to prove to the world that Democrats can make the world bleed as well as any Republican and with his new Green Berets, he will be able to do it in more places than any President before him.

So, who can those praying for peace, vote for? Who can Combat Veterans, those who have seen the horror of war, vote for? Who can American parents, who worry about their children's future vote for? Who is going to pay for either one of these guy's next four years?

I have been out of commission for the last few weeks. A drunk came through a stop sign and got me. I have a broken hip socket, broken ribs on both sides, a broken left hand and lots of little hurts. I'll write about the accident on Friday. It is hard to sit and type so it will be a while before I get back up to speed.

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