About Time, Bush Calls Off His Dogs
by James Glaser
I heard the President say today that he thought all of these "527" groups, who were slamming one candidate or another should stop and he hoped Kerry would agree with him. For over a month Republicans like John McCain have been asking the President to stop the lies about Kerry's war record that have been coming from the Republican camp. These lies have been bought and paid for by Bush's rich backers. The main reason that Bush has finally called off his dogs, is that they have been caught in a lie and the damage has already been done. If he had called them off when McCain first said he should, these lies and distortions would not have been made so public. For sure, this exposes President Bush as the Scum Bag he really is. When John Kerry won his medal that the so called Swift Boat Veterans, say he didn't deserve, there were three "swift boats" on the river that day. Only two of the officers are still alive and one was Kerry. The other William Rood, a night editor for the Chicago Tribune, who has never spoken up about his time in Vietnam. The lies told about John Kerry has made him come out public for the first time. He said the tales told by Kerry's detractors are untrue. These so called, Swift Boat Veterans are the worst kind of American Veteran, men that will plant doubt about all Vietnam veterans. People will now wonder about all Medals won in that war. The men accusing Kerry of wrong doing were not even there, but the men who were there, still say Kerry was a hero. His detractors are Republican Whores who will sell their story to rich Texans who will pay anything to make Bush look good. Remember this, John Kerry actually went to Vietnam and fought for our country, while George Bush, Deserted his post while in the National Guard. |
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