George Now Says We Can’t Win

by James Glaser
September 1, 2004

On NBC-TV's Today program. The host Matt Lauer talked to President Bush about our war on terrorism and asked, "Can we win it?" President Bush said after a moment of thought, "I don't think we can win it." "But I think you can create conditions so that they, those who use terror as a tool, are less acceptable in parts of the world."

Does that mean that Bush thinks terrorists will be acceptable in some parts of the world? Like in some countries they won't mind suicide bombers? Here we are spending thousands of Marines and soldiers, having them get killed or maimed in a war the Commander in Chief believes we can't win.

Why are we fighting then? If we can't win, then why are we not looking for a peaceful solution?

I know the answer to that! Here is a headline from Tuesday. "Bush gives Defense Industry big budget, Bush's $417 billion bill beats Cold War average spending"

It all comes down to money. Our tax dollars going into the pockets of the people backing the President. In the Cold War we were facing the Soviet Union with their thousands of atomic weapons. Today we face an estimated 5-10.000 terrorists world wide, who have no army, air force, or navy, and we are spending more money.

George Bush says we can't win this war, but some Americans will, they will make billions.

If we are going to fight terrorism, let us at least have a leader who thinks we can win. What is the point of fighting a war we "can't win?" If Bush knows we can't win, doesn't it stand to reason that he will try and make the best of it and get all he can out of us?

We now have a Commander in Chief, who says in public that we are going to lose this war. Is that sick or what? Now I know why he sat there in that grade school and continued to read for twenty minutes after finding out our nation was under attack. What difference could he have made, we were going to lose anyway.

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