Some People Will do Anything

by James Glaser
September 20, 2004

At one time in my life I had nothing but respect for then Senator Bob Dole. The man over came a war wound that kept him in the hospital for a year and he spent a lifetime in the Senate trying to help his country. Since Dole retired, he has been selling his name and reputation to the highest bidder.

This week Bob Dole wrote, "As Chairman of the Bush-Cheney Veterans Coalition, and a Veteran, I call on John Kerry to demand that take down their ad depicting a defeated American soldier."

To tell you the truth, a Man would have to be pretty scumy to be Chairman of a Veteran Coalition that wanted to elect a Deserter like Bush or a draft dodger like Cheney.

I believe in the Constitution and there is something about Free Speech in it, so I guess even Bob Dole has decided to join the Bush team in trying to destroy the basic freedoms our founding fathers gave us.

It was just a few weeks ago that Dole said that John Kerry didn't deserve the Purple Hearts he was awarded because according to Dole he didn't bleed enough. Of course like a lot of people slamming Kerry, Bob Dole wasn't in Vietnam, so he had no idea of how much blood Kerry lost. In fact most of the people slamming Kerry's military service never heard their country's call to arms when they were young, but now they want to send your children and grandchildren off to war. Those who did serve and complain, never served with John Kerry, because all who did support Kerry to a man.

Bob Dole has sold his honor so that he can try and get Bush/Cheney a second term. I sure would feel better if Dole was supporting our troops in the field instead of the men sending them off to die for money and power.

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