Our President Embarrasses Me
by James Glaser
George Bush spoke to the world Monday at the United Nations and the President of the United States sounded like a fool. Except for George Bush, the whole world knows that things are not going good in Iraq and that America made an illegal attack on that pitiful third world nation. Yes, everyone is happy that Saddam Hussein is out of power, but other that the USA, everyone knows that the government we installed is a puppet regime, bought and paid for with American tax dollars. George Bush is still trying to convince the world that those fighting us in Iraq are terrorists, who according to Bush, "They believe the dictators should control every mind and tongue in the Middle East and beyond." The world knows that no terrorist group has ever made that demand. In point of fact, the terrorists who attacked the USA did not like or work with Saddam or his government. Terrorists have demands and they have been told to us. They want the Palestinian people to have a homeland and a government free from Israeli occupation and they want our troops out of their holy lands. Now they also want us out of Iraq. George Bush said about the terrorists, "They believe that suicide and torture and murder are fully justified to serve any goal they declare." George Bush says this at the same time that we are investigating our sexual torture of Iraqi prisoners and at the same time that international groups are counting up the innocent dead we have killed in Iraq whose numbers reach into the tens of thousands. The whole world knows what we have done in Iraq as their news is not censored like ours is. On foreign news programs dead Iraqi children are shown lying in a pool of their own blood and children are shown weeping over their dead mother. We can't show those things on American television as in might offend the American public. George Bush said, "Today the Iraqi and Afghan people are on the path to democracy and freedom." Now the rest of the world knows George is attempting to spin what is happening in those two countries. Iraq has whole sections of the country under the control of foreign terrorists and domestic freedom fighters who are trying to throw the American military out of Iraq. Two more Marines were killed there as Bush was talking. According to several Republican Senators, we are in big trouble in Iraq and it could fall into a total civil war. In Afghanistan two Americans soldiers were killed yesterday fighting the Taliban, who we were supposed to have defeated two years ago. The world knows that Afghanistan is now once again the opium farm of the world and that War Lords control much of the country and only a small area around the capital, Kabul, is controlled by America's puppet government. Bush cannot hide the fact that Harmed Karzi, the man we put in power, is guarded by United States Special forces twenty four hours a day. Fair and honest elections are doubtful in both of these countries and the rest of the world knows this. George Bush talked about how one group in Iraq was beheading "bound men" and that is true. However George didn't say why they were doing that. These men want the United States to release all of the Iraqi Women we are holding in the prisons where we sexually tortured the Iraqi men. These Iraqis fear that the same thing is happening to their women and if the roles were reversed and we had an occupying foreign army holding American women and sexually torturing young American men, then I would be out there trying to kill every foreign trooper trying to occupy our nation. I believe that the people doing this beheading are pretty savage, but maybe not as savage as American men would be if we were put in the same position. And you know what? The rest of the world knows the sick things we have done to the Iraqi people, they have all seen the photos, and they can understand how crazy Iraqi men can get when they think about what we might be doing to their women. George Bush understands none of this, because he grew up in a privileged family. George has no idea of the sickness that happens in every war, because George Bush never heard his nation's call to arms. Yes, today the National Guard has become a combat force and an integral part of our Nation's defense, but when George Bush joined, it was a place to hide from responsibility. When the President of the United States tries to "spin" the truth of what is happening in countries we have attempted to take over and when the rest of the world knows the truth of what we are doing, then that President hurts our nation's reputation and is an embarrassment to every citizen. |
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