Puppet Governments Dont Need Fair and Honest Elections
by James Glaser
With two puppet governments under our control in Afghanistan and Iraq, why would we want to risk losing them in an honest election? BBC correspondent Crispin Thorold, reported that, "Leaders of a south-east Afghanistan tribe have told its members they must vote for Hamid Karzai in presidential polls or their houses will be burned." This threat was broadcast by radio in the Khost province. The Taliban, who Karzai at one time backed, have repeatedly threatened to kill people who do vote in next month's election. On top of this, Hamid Karzai, our Afghan Puppet has refused to condemn the house burning announcement. Tribal leader, Mubarak Shah, told the BBC that if tribal members did not vote their houses would be burned and they would not be allowed to attend local weddings and funerals. So, here is your choice, be killed or be homeless, not just homeless, but a social outcast because you won't get to go to the funerals of those the Taliban kill. This is a country that George Bush brags about. Where Bush says freedom and democracy are on the upswing. In this election Karzai will probably win, because he is the only candidate with use of American helicopters to campaign and most importantly Karzai has 24/7 American body guards to keep Afghans from killing him. Puppets need protection, because they are never real popular. People like Saddam Hussein and the Shah of Iran were at one time our puppets and I guess you could say Tony Blair is still pulled by our strings. In Iraq it is a different story. If the election looks like it is going to be too hard to do, we will just hold it where our guy has the best support. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld said that if insurgents prevent Iraqis from voting in some areas, a partial vote would be better than none at all. Maybe the Bush administration is thinking the same thing could happen right here at home. Stop the election in some pro-Kerry states because of a terror alert and have the election in the rest of the country. In Iraq, Our "boy" is Ayad Allawi. He has been on the CIA payroll for years. The Guardian Weekly reports that "It was Allawi who early last year provided the British secret service with information that President Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction that could become 'operational within 45 minutes' information that almost cost Tony Blair his job" Iraqi Doctor Haifa al-Azzawi says about Allawi, "No one who studied medicine in Baghdad in the 60s could have forgotten that Ba'athist bully boy. He walked around the campus with a pistol in his belt and chased women students. His medical degree is bogus. The Ba'ath party gave it to him before sending him off to London, with a World Health Organisation scholarship grant, in theory to complete his studies, but in fact to spy on Iraqi students abroad." Allawi is our "boy," our puppet. He was Saddam Hussein's "boy" at one time too. George Bush will praise Iraq like he praises Afghanistan. He will tell the world that both governments are on their way to democracy, while knowing that both of our Puppets, Hamid Karzai and Ayad Allawi, worked for and backed the regimes we went to war to remove. Remember at one time we were giving billions of tax dollars to Saddam Hussein and millions to the Taliban. Now we have spent hundreds of billions of dollars, over 1100 American lives, plus we have killed over 20,000 innocent Afghans and Iraqis, to remove two governments we were at one time supporting. The people of Afghanistan and Iraq know what is going on, but they might be forced to vote for the American Puppet anyway. The threat of death or the threat of burning your home is hard to blow off. These people lived under Saddam and the Taliban, so they know that threats can become reality, and the United States will get who they want in power one way or the other. The only thing Washington will not allow is a fair and honest election, because the outcome of an election like that is not for certain. A good example of this is the fact that the UN will have only 200-300 observers for the Afghan election, but there will be about 5,000 polling places. War Lords control most of the country and our CIA has a fat sack of money to spread around. I really don't care if we do this to these countries because their elections would be corrupt with out us there. What bothers me so much is the fact that George Bush is trying to tell the world that everything is on the up and up, when everyone knows what is really going on. Bush is lying to the world and to the American people. The world doesn't buy his story, but those who blindly follow George do. |
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