I Think President Bush Was Whacked-out On Drugs

by James Glaser
October 19, 2004

No, this isn't some comedy column, I am serious about this. If you watched the three debates and you think back on what the President looked like and how he sounded, you will agree with me.

Now I'll be honest with you. I am from the post war baby boom generation and like most baby boomers, I have done drugs. Now I didn't do the heavy duty ones like President Bush has been reported to have done. Remember he had money and he could buy that high buck stuff. I was a pot smoker when it was ten bucks a lid. George had his daddy's credit card until, well until he became President. Then it had to go into that Blind Trust.

Maybe in that first debate George was straight, but he really sucked and his people had to be worried. I mean next to George Bush, John Kerry looked Presidential. They couldn't have that happen again, so I think they called in the White House medical staff and told them George needed their help. Just in that first debate Kerry picked up over half of the spread between them in the polls. The White House was worried.

Now I am not saying that they gave George any Cocaine or Meth, no they have better drugs than that. I think they gave him some Pharmaceutical Drugs and nothing from Canada, all American stuff. In that second debate, his base thought that he held his own, but nobody could say that he won.

What they needed was a win and they were willing to give George what ever it took to get it. Think back to that third debate. George Bush was whacked-out like a Frat Boy at any Yale party. He had that grin on his face. He was rocking back and forth, and his eyes were blinking like he was on some hallucinogenic. I swear the man was on drugs. George Bush never has looked like he did that night.

Think back again. After the debate was over, John Kerry and his family were up on the stage waving to the crowd. Where was George Bush? Some of his handlers got him right off and I bet they had to detox the man. Just like me, they could tell they had over dosed him, and they wanted him out of there fast.

I don't think I am the only person to see this, so you watch now and see what George Bush looks like on the Campaign Trail. They now know what level the man can take, and I bet you will never see the President grinning and blinking like he did in that third debate.

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