The More I Read, The Less I Trust George Bush
by James Glaser
I have to admit, there are times that George Bush puts out some pretty good lines about what he is doing. The only problem is that so much of what says is just total shit. Either the man doesn't know what the truth is because they keep him insulated from reality or he doesn't care and will lie. It sounded good when George Bush talked about our training of this new Iraqi Security Force that would take over from our troops. George talked about almost a hundred thousand trained already and that there would be 120,000 of them by years end. That sounded good, almost like an exit plan. No time table, but at least some hope for getting our troops out of there. Today I read a report by Knight Ridder Newspapers that starts out with, "Iraq purging tens of thousands of police officers for corruption, dereliction of duty, or loyalty to insurgents," It seems that Iraq's interim government has had to fire tens of thousands of unfit officers from this national police force and the firing is not over according to both Iraqi and U.S. officials. The report says, "As the United States scrambled to fill the security void, applicants were poorly screened, and legions of illiterates, convicted criminals, and officers sympathetic to the insurgency were given uniforms and guns." "The national force stood at a seemingly robust 91,000 in May, but a majority of those officers were either phantoms who never showed up for work or were grossly unqualified. Revised figures put the force at just 40,000." Now either George Bush is a puppet and is kept in the dark about what is really happening in Iraq, or the man is out and out lying to the American people. Either way, our troops are not going to be coming home any time soon as it will take years for enough Iraqis to be trained to take over. There are now about 160,000 American and coalition troops in Iraq and we know that is not enough. In over one years time we have only put together a 40,000 member Iraqi security force and they are ill trained. It is now suspected that the 49 recruits killed this weekend were done in with the help of inside information, so even that 40,000 number, has to be culled. George Bush is running for President on Iraq and his War on Terrorism. There is no good news coming out of Iraq now and the man is grasping at straws. Bush needs some good news even if he has to invent it. The only trouble is that the truth keeps coming to light before the election and he gets caught |
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