I Am Beginning To Think They Worship the Man

by James Glaser
October 27, 2004

It kind of scares me that so many Americans are naïve when it comes to our President. I kid you not, I have met people who not only believe that George Bush is talking to God, but that he can also walk on water if he needs to.

Because George uses Christian "code words" and will quote the bible from time to time, these people think the man is something akin to the Second Coming. We have a whole segment of the American public who forget that George Bush is a politician who is trying to get four more years as the world's most powerful man.

These people would do anything to protect their children, but they sit by and watch as Bush keeps spending their Children's future. Yes we are in a war and we had to stimulate the economy, but why did we do it with bad checks? Checks our children and grandchildren will have to make good.

President Bush keeps telling us that he had to attack Iraq and Saddam Hussien to protect America. I could even buy that, but why can't we pay for our own war and why can't the Republicans see that we should?

Yes, George did give almost everyone a tax break, but for most Americans, that meant a few hundred bucks, but when you think about it, George Bush didn't give us a tax break, our kids did, because they are going to pay for it.

These people who think George can do no wrong, do not understand that George Bush has spent more than any other President, he has expanded the Federal government more than any other President, and Bush has even rewarded Corporations that have sent American jobs abroad. These people tell me that George Bush is their "Brother in Christ." So, that means the man can do no wrong in their eyes. He can screw up their kid's future, but the man can quote the Bible, so that makes everything OK.

I can understand liking one candidate over another, but I can't understand blind trust of a politician. I cannot understand standing by and watching the federal government give tax breaks to the country when we are at war and those tax breaks force us to fund the war with deficit spending. Our children will be forced to pay for our war, but they will have problems of their own. Our parents went to war and they paid for it out of their own pockets, and we should too.

There are so many Americans today who want so much, to have a Christian run our government, that they will fall all over themselves when the hear something that sounds Biblical. George Bush has tapped into this desire and it has worked. Bible quotes and code words do not make a Christian, but it will get many votes because those Americans who love Christ want a moral leader so much, that any politician using the words Christ did, blinds them to thinking for themselves. They put that politician, in this case George Bush, on a pedestal and they allow nobody, even themselves, to question what he is doing.

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