Do You Remember That, “Bring Em On” Speech?

by James Glaser
January 5, 2005

George Bush was strutting around like a little Napoleon when he gave that speech. Almost every veteran of any sort of combat knew that you don't taunt you enemy, because in war the stakes are too high. Of course George could say that, because he was safe in Washington, and you know what, since that speech the insurgents in Iraq have been "bringing it on" to our troops.

Since that foolish speech by our President, over 1,000 more American troops have been killed and the official count of wounded has topped 10,000.

When George made that speech back in 2003, he was thinking that he might be remembered as the American Caesar. If you think about it, at about the same time he was making that Bring Em On speech, he is quoted as saying "I've been to war, I've raised twins, If given the choice, I'd rather go to war." George Bush could only make that asinine statement, because he had never been to war. That is the same reason that he could taunt our enemy.

For over a year now Washington has been telling us that those opposing us in Iraq were a bunch of "Dead enders" or Saddam loyalists and only numbered about 5 -10 thousand. It sounded like they were something the "Greatest Military" in the history of the world would be able to slap down in a few months. That is why most people let Bush's taunting of the enemy slide.

Today some of those "dead enders" spoke up and now they have names and they call themselves an Army. In News, The Islamic Army in Iraq, one, get that ONE "of the main armed groups fighting US forces in the war torn country, has threatened to carry out attacks inside the United States, according to a statement posted on a Web site yesterday."

They said, This Year "will bring woes on America. The mujahedeen (holy warriors) have prepared big surprises for your sons outside America and a big surprise for you inside America" What they are saying is that they are going to take the war from Iraq to inside the United States.

Of course you and I can feel safe because other than the 8,000 illegal aliens who cross our southern border EVERY NIGHT, we have the new Department of Home Land Security protecting us.

Who knows if those Iraqis trying to throw us out of their country have the means to open up a new front over here, but it certainly could happen. It seems like they have people standing in line, ready to commit suicide just so they can take an American with them. I imagine that they would really get pumped up if they thought they could do the same thing, but over here.

George Bush made his goofy "bring em on" speech, that was all full of bravado, right after he made that Mission Accomplished speech on the aircraft carrier that looked like it was out to sea, but was really about to come into port. I remember the families of all those sailors had to wait an extra day to see their loved ones, because George had to have that ship for a backdrop for his speech.

Will the Holy Warriors in Iraq come here to attack us? Your guess is as good as mine, but if the do come, I am sure some of them will be thinking of George's taunt. So far they have more than fought our military to a stand still. We are losing this war and had 5 more young Americans killed yesterday. I say we are losing, because for sure we are not winning. Almost two years into this and combat is being waged each and every day. It is reported that our troops are attacked about 70 times every day. These attacks are happening a year and a half after our strutting President said that the mission was accomplished and that the combat phase of the war was over.

So, hold on to your hats and see what happens in the next few months, because we know President Bush has not a clue about what is going on in his war and that should scare all of us.

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