They May Soon Be Like Shinny Brass Buttons by James Glaser
I can remember growing up in the cold war and seeing photographs or clips on the news that pictured Russian generals, whose chests would be covered with medals and ribbons.
You could always spot the Purple Heart which showed that a veteran had shed some of his blood for our country and every kid on my block knew that a little "v" on the ribbon meant that the Award was given for valor. Today, I would guess like the Soviet Union during the Cold War, medals and ribbons are given out for many things that have nothing to do with combat. Did you know you can now get a medal for "Humane Action or Humanitarian Service? How about the one for "Navy/Marine Corps Overseas Service"? Then there is the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, Artic Service, Coast Guard Artic Service Medal, the President's Dist. Fed. Civilian Service Medal, and then there is the Navy and DOD's Dist Civilian Service Medal. There are medals for the Selective Service, Recruiting, being in the Reserves, the United Nations Service Medal not to be confused with the United Nations Medal. How about the Multi-National Forces and Observer Medal or the Inter-American Defense Board Medal? There are way more medals and ribbons for non-combat service than there are for combat, but they all look like the real thing. It makes the troops look good to have several rows of ribbons or medals and that helps with recruitment. Sunday morning I was watching the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps General Peter Pace on a talk show. He had way more than a chest full of ribbons, so just for grins I looked up what they were for. The General has some medals that any Marine would be proud of, but a lot of the ones he has are pretty hokey. The man has a Bronze Star, the Legion of Merit, and the Combat Action Ribbon, but he also has something called Defense Superior Service Medal. Those are "Awarded by the Secretary of Defense for superior meritorious service while in a position of significant responsibility while assigned to a joint activity." Cool, but not really what you would call service requiring a medal.
Now I'm not picking on General Pace. Almost every high ranking American military leader is now looking like one of those Cold War Soviet Generals. General Pace also has medals and ribbons for the Global War of Terrorism, (Didn't take long to invent that one) Navy Sea Deployment, Overseas Service Ribbon, Recruiting Service Ribbon, Order of the Sacred Treasures of Japan, and a United Nations Medal. Now this is just my opinion, but row upon row of ribbons or medals seems to cheapen the ones that really mean something. Every American thinks of the words "hero or sacrifice" when they see a Soldier or Marine with a medal or ribbon on their uniform.
To be awarded the Global War on Terrorism Medal, the Pentagon says"Service in an operationally deployed status abroad within a designated area of eligibility merits primary eligibility for the War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; personnel supporting the Global War on Terrorism in a non-deployed status, whether stationed at home or overseas, are eligible only for the War on Terrorism Service Medal." So if you never make it to Iraq or Afghanistan or even get out of the country you can wear a medal, probably several. Every time a new medal is awarded for a non-combat role in the military, the "real medals," like the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, the Navy Cross, or even the Congressional Medal of Honor become less special. At the rate we are going, medals and ribbons will be issued with the uniform and they will become like a shinny brass button. |
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