George Bush Continues to Screw Over Our Wounded Troops

by James Glaser
March 1, 2007

In the military everything starts from the top down. George W. Bush is the Commander-in-Chief, and he sets the tone for how our troops are treated.

Well, the severely wounded troops at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C. made the mistake of talking to the media about the rodents, cockroaches, and mold infesting the rooms to which they were assigned. You don't make George Bush look bad and get away with it. Here from the Army Times Newspaper:

    Walter Reed patients told to keep quiet

    By Kelly Kennedy — Staff writer
    Posted: Wednesday Feb 28, 200

    Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center's Medical Hold Unit say they have been told they will wake up at 6 a.m. every morning and have their rooms ready for inspection at 7 a.m., and that they must not speak to the media.

Remember now, we are talking about American troops. Troops who have given everything they can for our country; Soldiers and Marines who have lost a limb or limbs; Soldiers and Marines who have suffered brain injuries or were blinded, and now we are going to get chicken shit with them and make them play soldier-boy, because they made George Bush look bad.

The report from the Army Times also tells that "as of Tuesday afternoon, Army public affairs did not respond to a request sent Sunday evening to verify" that personnel changes had been made at the hospital because of the media reports about the living conditions in which Walter Reed Army Hospital put our troops.

    The Pentagon also clamped down on media coverage of any and all Defense Department medical facilities, to include suspending planned projects by CNN and the Discovery Channel, saying in an e-mail to spokespeople: "It will be in most cases not appropriate to engage the media while this review takes place," referring to an investigation of the problems at Walter Reed.

Like the law that George Bush enforces that stops the media from photographing any military flag draped coffins returning from the war, the conditions that our wounded troops have to endure while they recover from horrible wounds, will now be off limits too.

When a Commander-in-Chief worries more about damaging media coverage, than he worries about the care of his wounded troops, it will not be long before that Army crumbles.

Sunday night on the 60 Minutes news show, it was reported that over 1,000 American troops are now protesting George Bush's War in Iraq. When over a thousand troops will put their name on a petition about an American war, you know things are going down the tubes.

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