We Should Worry About Our Security

by James Glaser
March 27, 2007

Even our government in Washington now admits that there are between 11.5 million and 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. Some non-government sources put that number closer to 20 million, but either way, that is a lot of people breaking the law.

Beverly Lumpkin, writing for Breitart.com, reports that "teams assigned to make sure foreigners ordered out of the United States actually leave have a backlog of more than 600,000 cases and can't accurately account for the fugitives' whereabouts, the Government reported Monday."

600,000 is a lot of fugitives. The Department of Homeland Security allocated over $204 million to fund 52 fugitive operations teams since 2003, and even with all that money, the backlog of missing aliens keeps growing. Our government is hoping to eliminate the case backlog by 2012.

Does that seem fast enough for you? I would think that when a court of law tells an illegal immigrant that they have to get out of our country, somebody in our government would make sure they leave, like right now.

If we did that, there would be no backlog, and every person that was sent home by our courts would be out of our country within 24 hours. If that would take the cost of a plane ticket, that would be OK with me. A plane ticket would be a lot cheaper that all the services we have to pay for now. Putting any one of these people in jail or prison for even a month would cost more than an airline ticket.

That isn't going to happen. Large corporations here in America want illegal aliens so that they can get cheap labor. The rich in America want cheap domestic servants, and they get them with these illegal aliens. So, if the corporations and the wealthy in America want these people here, we are going to have these people here, and when our court system says they must go, the politicians in Washington look the other way, and make it possible for them to stay.

That might not be the way we like it, but we the people are not in charge of our country any more, and we have no say.

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