So Out of Touch

by James Glaser
April 16, 2007

One would think that President Bush would be kept in the loop, especially when it comes to his war in Iraq, but it now appears that George has no idea of what is going on.

When the rest of the nation was informed last week by the television and print media that all of our troops in Iraq were getting their tours of duty extended, nobody told the President.

In Sunday's edition of Stars and Stripes, there is this headline: Bush: Unaware of DOD plans to extend tour.

    WASHINGTON — White House officials on Thursday admitted that President Bush was unaware of defense plans to immediately extend Army combat tours when he criticized Democrats' budget plans as potentially forcing troops to spend more time in Iraq.

It seems that George was getting after the Democrats by saying that Congressional delays on supplemental war funds would mean that military families could wait longer for their loved ones to come home from the war.

When asked about this comment, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said, "I'm not aware that the president knew that Secretary Gates had come to any decisions" about going to a 15-month rotation schedule.

Well, so much for George Being the "Decider." You would think that the Commander-in-Chief would be kept apprised of what is going on in his war, but then again, maybe not.

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