The Man Lied, Washington Lies
by James Glaser
August 28, 2007

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned yesterday, and right away those on the right started singing his praises, while those on the left vilified him. The simple truth is that the man George Bush put in charge of America's Justice Department was a liar.

I listened to him come to Capital Hill to testify to Congress, and I also listened to other people from the Justice Department testify, too. Either all the other people were lying, or Alberto was. The other people were all telling the same story, but the Attorney General had a totally different one.

George Bush said this, "Al Gonzales is a man of integrity, decency, and principle, and I have reluctantly accepted his resignation with great appreciation for the service that he provided for our country."

What I remember the most about Al's testimony to Congress was that the man couldn't remember much of what he had done for the last couple of years. I believe in one day he said "I can't remember" about 100 times when asked questions about his time in office. Also, Al had the problem of remembering things differently every time he testified.

I can only think that those who are making a career working for the Justice Department have been totally embarrassed by this Attorney General and are happy to see him go.

I never thought this way before George Bush became our President, but now, any time someone from our government, including George Bush, says something to the nation, right away I doubt if it is true. I think our elected officials lie more often than they tell the truth. Cynical? You bet!

This from the McClatchy Newspapers, written by Hannah Allam.

Iraqi Insurgents Taking Cut of US Rebuilding Money

BAGHDAD — Iraq's deadly insurgent groups have financed their war against U.S. troops in part with hundreds of thousands of dollars in U.S. rebuilding funds that they've extorted from Iraqi contractors in Anbar province.

The payments, in return for the insurgents' allowing supplies to move and construction work to begin, have taken place since the earliest projects in 2003, Iraqi contractors, politicians and interpreters involved with reconstruction efforts said.

Now this should surprise no one. This whole war in Iraq has been as the book says, a fiasco. Right now we are arming the Sunnis, one faction in the on-going Iraqi civil war. We have already armed the Kurds and the Shia, so it is only fitting that we weaponize this last group in Iraq.

On top of that we now find out that we are paying the foreign insurgents who are fighting us, too. The McClatchy article goes on to explain that the extorted American tax payer funds are going to al Qaeda. Remember, we used to support Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. As crazy as it seems, we are still supporting him, only now it is in Iraq.

Now you can see why our politicians lie to us. If they told the truth, nobody would believe it.

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