I Believe George Bush and Congress Are Destroying America
by James Glaser
October 11, 2007

George Bush and most members of Congress are so afraid of a few pitiful countries, like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and who knows who else, that they are willing to give away the freedoms Americans have had for over two hundred years.

It is pretty easy to see that most politicians, members of right wing think tanks, and conservative talk radio hosts never had the guts to even sign up to serve in our country's military. So, when some group like al Qaeda makes an attack on our country, these people are ready to start an American Gestapo, taking away our rights and freedoms in the foolish belief that doing such things will make us safer.

We are by far the most powerful nation on earth, but we cower when some rag-tag group takes a shot at us. George Bush is afraid of Iran. Iran, like Iraq before we attacked it, has almost no navy, almost no air force, and no long range missiles that could hit the US. Even if they did get an atomic bomb, and could figure out how to get it here, they know we would turn their desert country into a sheet of glass when we retaliated for any attack on our homeland.

The trouble with America today is that we are ruled by cowards, who are afraid of everyone. What we need to know, is really why would somebody want to attack us? We have to start admitting to ourselves that we are not the most likeable nation around. People hate us and want to kill us. Why? We answer that, and we won't have to worry about attacks anymore.

It wasn't all that long ago that America was the example for the world. Today we are the greatest threat to peace. Like it or not, we are the war mongers of the world. I don't like saying that, but it is the truth. and it has been for several decades.

People hate us because we stick our noses into everyone's business. We try to tell everyone how to run their lives, and they look at America and see that we don't have all the answers.

When America becomes perfect, then we can start telling others what to do. Until then we should stick to working on our own problems, and let the rest of the world work on theirs.

Post Script:

You can put this down as a "Rant and Rave," which more and more Americans find themselves doing out of frustration.

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