Really On the Dole
by James Glaser
December 11, 2007

What do you think Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Christopher Dodd, Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, John McCain, and Tom Tancredo all have in common other than running for president of the United States?

I'll tell you. They all get a government pay check, because they all work FULL TIME for our government.

If you add to that group, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Mike Gravel, and John Edwards, you have everyone that is running for president from the two major parties. Every one of them is a politician or former politician.

We don't have a "normal" working American trying to become President. Joe Biden is a life long politician. Hillary is a Senator and almost a life long First Lady of one sort or another. Dodd is a life long politician. John Edwards was a Senator. Mike Gravel was a Senator. Dennis Kucinich is a life long politician, as is Barack Obama, and Bill Richardson.

Yes, John McCain is a life long politician, as is Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, Mitt Rommney, and Tom Tancredo. Fred Thompson was a Senator Rudy Giuliani was Mayor of New York, and before that had a series of appointed government jobs.

Sometimes do you wonder why these people are so out of touch with the average American's life? Well, that is because these people have never lived like the average American, or if they did, it was thirty or more years ago, and politics has jaded them.

I like Ron Paul, heck I'm going to vote for the man, but he has been in Congress for over ten terms, and if you can stomach what goes on in Washington for ten terms, I think there is something wrong with you.

Every one of these candidates has a huge ego. With out a doubt, there is not a humble man or woman running for this office. I don't know what that means, but I do know that every one of these candidates that is running while taking his or her government pay check, and enjoying the benefits that go along with that check, is stealing from every American.

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