Who Is Running This War?
by James Glaser
December 19, 2007

How many times have you heard George Bush say that the Generals in the field will be running the war in Iraq, not Congress or politicians? I have heard George use that line over and over and over again, any time, any one, has anything, to say about his war in Iraq that he doesn't like.

USA Today reports, "U.S. military commanders in Iraq didn't know Turkey was sending warplanes to bomb northern Iraq until the planes had already crossed the border, said defense and diplomatic officials who were angered about being left in the dark."

It was sure nice that we didn't have our troops in the field when the bombs were dropped.

The USA report goes on with, "Americans have been providing Turkey with intelligence to go after Kurdish rebels in Northern Iraq. And a "coordination center" has been set up in Ankara so Turks, Iraqis, and Americans can share information, two officials said Tuesday."

The Pentagon told the Associated Press that "U.S. commanders in Iraq knew nothing about Sunday's attack until it was already underway."

George Bush tells Congress to keep their hands off his War in Iraq, that the generals are in charge, and they are in charge, at least until George's State Department decides to let a neighboring country launch an attack.

After the attack was over, "It was left to the Americans to inform Iraqi government officials of Sunday's incursion." I imagine they said something like this, "Sorry, but we decided to let Turkey bomb your country."

Even though George and his administration have been telling us that things are just going great in Iraq now, hundreds of Iraqis still die in the violence going on in their country every week. American troop deaths are down, but try telling that to the parents and loved ones of the 14 Americans who have been killed so far this month.

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