A Couple of Things I Don't Understand
by James Glaser
September 8, 2008

First off, I don't understand why finding out that Barack Obama's brother lives in a shack that rents for a dollar a month didn't seem to bother anyone. We are not talking about some long lost second cousin once removed that the guy never met. This is George Hussein Obama, a half-brother that Senator Obama has met twice and wrote about in his book.

What we have to remember is that Barack Obama is trying to tell the American voter that he is not some sort of Harvard elitist, who only knows how to relate to those with money and power. Senator Obama wants us to know that he can understand what it is like to be an average American, even though he is in reality a multi-millionaire.

Now, when the story of George Obama came out in Vanity Fair in August, nobody from the Obama campaign came out and said this story of the Senator's brother living in abject poverty was not true, nor did they deny that the man in the story was indeed the Senator's brother.

So if the story is true, and the poverty of this brother is true, and Barack Obama is actually a millionaire like his tax returns say he is, I don't understand why he isn't either bringing his brother to America, or setting him up in some business in Africa. If nothing else, buy brother George a stall in the local market and get somebody to help start him out in business. Remember this is in Africa, and to do that would cost way less than a new car here in the States.

This story about George Obama leads me to something else I don't understand. If Barack Obama does not exhibit any compassion when told of his own brother's poverty, how are we to believe his message about caring for those in this country who are in need of help.

I remember George W. Bush talking about "Compassionate Conservatism" when he was first running for president, and how we now know that was just a political line. That makes me a little "gun shy" when it comes to believing the next guy who tells me that he will be looking out for Americans at the lower end of the income ladder.

Barack Obama does not look like me, and I am not talking color of skin here. The man talks differently, he dresses differently, he moves in a different social circle, and for sure he is in a different income bracket than I am. Yet, he wants you and me to believe that not only does he understand where you and I are, but he wants to help us.

Then I look at the story of his brother, his own flesh and blood, and there is no apparent understanding or help on Obama's part. You would think a man, a rich man, running for President of the United States would have already taken care of his brother, maybe for no other reason than to stop stories like this. I guess I don't understand Barack Obama's value system—how can he ever understand mine?

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