Marie Marchand is Right
by James Glaser
June 29, 2009

Now, it isn't just the fact that Barack Obama, as the new Commander in Chief of all of America's massive military decided he wanted his own military surge in Afghanistan. It isn't even the fact that he isn't going to remove the troops from Iraq like he said he would. It isn't the $106 billion that Obama appropriated to continue his wars the exact same way George Bush appropriated money for his wars. Nor is it the fact that President Obama decided to with hold the photos of our years of torturing people after he said he would release them.

No, it is the complete fabrication of an anti-war candidate that the Democrat Party foisted on us. Millions of Americans thought Barack Hussein Obama really was going to make a fundamental change in our foreign policy. They thought by electing Obama, American troops would be coming home from the combat zone, and Washington would start thinking about ways of bringing peace to the globe. They were wrong.

Marie Marchand, writing for Common Dreams put the this betrayal of anti-war Americans this way:

I'm not that young, so I possess some cynicism. But I'm not that old either, so I manage some idealism. Sure, I am used to being betrayed by my government. But I thought my days of calling the White House in tears were over. To think that Barack Obama preyed on this naive hope in me and millions like me is unforgivable.

The Obama campaign brought hope and pride in America back to the political process. People from all walks of life, and just not Democrats, but Republicans and Independents too thought they could vote for "change." If you can believe the Obama Campaign, millions of Americans donated money to a political candidate for the first time in their lives when they sent money to Barack Obama.

Of course, the truth is Obama got most of his campaign money the old fashioned way, from corporations, labor unions, and those with a vested interest in electing a Democrat for their own economic gain.

Sad to say, Barack Obama is not and was not an anti-war candidate. He just wanted the anti-war segment of American society to believe he was to garner their vote. Barack Obama was and is just a typical American politician who will say whatever he believes will get him the most votes.

As Ms. Marchand said, "To think that Barack Obama preyed on this naive hope in me and millions like me is unforgivable."

Post Script:

For the whole column by Marie Marchand, go to this link:

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