Easy and Fun Too!
by James Glaser
August 25, 2009

We all know how much fun it is to spend money, but most of us have had to start being careful now that the economy has slowed down. That's not true for the White House or Congress. They run low on funds, and they can either borrow more, or better yet, just print more money.

So, if we care nothing about future debt, let's start spending on things we need. Obama and his side have already decided that many Americans need help with health insurance and health care. So they are ready to buy them both. But it isn't just health care that Americans are having problems with.

We have a lot of homeless people living on our streets. We, or I should say, Washington should buy them houses.

We read reports about how many people in America don't have enough to eat. That's true, so let's buy them all the food they need.

College is expensive. Many families can't afford to send their children there. Well, that's easy too. Make college free, or have Washington pay for it the same way they are going to pay for health care, those houses for the homeless, and the food for the hungry.

Heck, it's only money, and we can print that.

Of course other countries have tried doing these things in the past. The Soviet Union and China come to mind. It worked for both of those countries for a lot of years, and then they had to go to capitalism.

Maybe it is our turn to spend ourselves silly, and President Obama and his Congress do seem to enjoy the spending spree they are on. So, let's give it a shot. Fix everything that needs fixing. Then don't wait, revert back to capitalism right away. That's the problem the Soviets had. They fixed everything, but didn't stop. They just kept on fixing. That doesn't work.

What we need is to print way more money. Quickly spend all we printed fixing everything we can think of, and then declare that we are capitalists again.

You don't think that will work? Well, we could at least give it a try. What we are doing now isn't working, and we have a lot of people who need medical care, a roof over their head, and food in their belly. I'm sure they would enjoy these repairs of our system. Besides, those in power in Washington would get a kick out of it, too.

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