The Man Was Not a Saint
by James Glaser
August 27, 2009

Ted Kennedy was a good senator. He certainly knew how to get things done, and well he should have for he had been a senator for almost 47 years. Kennedy was a good politician, too. He knew how to vote to get re-elected. He voted against George Bush's War in Iraq, but he voted twice for the Patriot Act.

Ted Kennedy was rich, and he was powerful. He could get away with things that would most likely put you or me in jail. Like the following "incident."

"Chappaquiddick incident" is the name given to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, a former campaign worker for the assassinated U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York, and the surrounding circumstances.

In July of 1969, Kopechne's body was discovered inside an overturned Oldsmobile belonging to Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy of Massachusetts under water in a tidal channel on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts.

After the body was found, Kennedy gave a statement to police saying that on the previous night he had taken a wrong turn and accidentally driven his car off a bridge into the water. Later, he pled guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury; he received a suspended sentence.

Read about Chappaquiddick, and you will see what I mean. No district attorney was going to touch this case with a powerful Senator whose last name was Kennedy, involved.

Now, Senator Ted Kennedy is dead. In life, he did some good things, and he did some bad things, much like everyone else does.

So, in the next few days, as the media and the Democratic Party paint the man as a good and honorable man, try and remember that he was no saint. He was just your average ultra-rich child, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

As an adult he never had to hold a job to survive like you and me, never had to worry about his household budget or paying his electric bill or buying food for the family because he was part of one of the wealthiest families in America.

Sad to say, he never knew what it was like to have to stand on his own two feet and his own hard-earned good name and reputation. I mean, after all, he was a Kennedy.

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