So, Now They Are Warriors
by James Glaser
December 31, 2009

It seems that those who want us in a constant state of war have decided that the nut case who tried to blow up the plane with a bomb sewed into his underwear was part of some military force. They want him removed from Detroit and any civil judicial jurisdiction, and taken to our prison in Cuba where our military knows what to do with him. That would be the prison President Obama said he would close next month. Well, he did say that, but now he is moving the closing date down the road to some unspecified time in the future.

Those on the far right of the political spectrum have decided they want it both ways. Imagine that! I seem to remember a time that any terrorist we found couldn't be part of a military unit, because they didn't have a uniform. Everyone knows, no uniform, no military.

No military, no Geneva Convention, and no protection from torture, no notification to loved ones, and no release date, even if the "war" ends.

So, now that we get to change the rules again, this demented underwear warrior will probably not ever see an American court of law. Chances are he will join the hundreds of others we hold in limbo in Cuba and any number of foreign prisons, secret or not, set up around the globe.

Once again, those who want America in a state of war will make a Muslim hero warrior out of a criminal, so terrorists will have a new poster boy, with which to recruit. That will only continue this war, but then that is what the far right wants. In the United States today, war means profits for a large number of Americans.

Here is something to remember. All those who attempted to blow up the World Trade Center back in 1993 got their trial in a civilian court, and they now rot in prison where they will stay till the end of their days. No glory for them, and no poster for the recruiters of terrorism.

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