So, When Do We Stop Spending Our Children's Money?


Thank You, Senator Bunning
by James Glaser
March 3, 2010

If you ever get into a bad fix financially, you may reach a point where you are forced to quit spending. You can reach that point while you still have a roof over your head and food in the refrigerator, or you can wait until you go to jail for writing bad checks, or until you are forced to move out of your house to a spot under a bridge.

Right now, our country still has options, and the Senate decided to do something about our spending a couple of weeks ago. The Senate decided that, from now on, all spending would be paid for, rather than pulling out the nation's credit card. Novel concept.

So, this past week that same Senate decided to pass a $10 billion dollar spending bill, but rather than finding some place in our government to cut programs to off-set this spending, they decided to pull out that credit card again. Old habits are hard to break.

Well, Republican Senator, Jim Bunning of Kentucky decided he would object to this spending, and, due to Senate rules, that put a stop to the whole thing.

There is a way the Senate could get around Bunning's objection, but that would mean Senators would have to vote to use that credit card again. They would have to vote on that just after having voted to put that credit card away. Senators don't like votes like that, especially during an election year.

So, what is the Senate doing? They are laying the total blame on Senator Bunning, making him the bad guy, and saying that everything bad that happens because this bill isn't passing is his fault.

What is Bunning's answer about not adding to our deficit? "If not now, when?"

Bunning is asking the Senate if we are not going to stop spending our children's and grandchildren's money now, when are we going to stop? After this bill? After the next bill? Every time the Senate decides to go back to spending more borrowed money, our country gets closer to losing the few spending options were have left,

Right now, were are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on interest for the money our government has already spent. We can already project the day when we will be spending a trillion dollars to pay the interest on our debt. But, so what? Who cares? The Senate of today won't be making that payment, but our children's Senate will be.

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