Our Immigration Problem In A Nutshell
A Gumball

by James Glaser
May 5, 2010
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I'm posting a video [click here] I found today that explains what our current immigration policy is going to do to our country, and it also explains why we are doing next to nothing to help the third world with our current policy.

One striking line that really hits home is when the speaker tells us that the State of California must build one new elementary school every day of the year to handle all the illegal school age aliens who are moving into that state. He also states that California will have to do this forever if we keep our current immigration policy. I wonder if California knows that. That is sobering.

This video lasts nine and a half minutes, but believe me, no matter which side of this issue you are on, it is worth your time to watch.

Post Script:

Like the "underwear bomber," the Times Square bomber had faulty equipment. Nothing our government did would have stopped these two bombers from carrying out their plan. Someday, one of these terrorists will get everything right, and we will have a slaughter on the scale of the slaughters we have committed for years in both Iraq and Afghanistan. We are killing by everyone's count, tens of thousands, some say hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in our wars in the Middle East. It should be no surprise that the loved ones of those we have killed are trying to retaliate.

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