Silly President, Have You Ever Kicked Anyone's Ass, Really?
by James Glaser
June 9, 2010
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People have been telling President Obama that he has to start sounding tough about the oil crises in the Gulf. So Obama went on the Today Show for an interview with famous softball pitcher Matt Lauer. Lauer slid in a underhand pitch, and Obama thought he hit one out of the park. He said he was looking for someone's "Ass to kick." Here is the exact quote:

"I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers. So I know whose ass to kick."

That might have sounded pretty tough if it were coming from anyone other than President Obama, who was sitting there in a nice suit with a white shirt and a pretty violet colored tie. The man looked anything but tough. Obama claimed that he had been on this oil spill problem before any of the "talking heads" even covered this story. I've got to tell you, President Obama actually came across as something of a joke.

When asked if he had talked to the CEO of BP, the President had to say, "NO." It was like when he got on Arizona for their new immigration law and had to admit he had never read it.

Lets face it, Barack Obama was not elected for his ass-kicking abilities. What people want out of the man is some leadership. The United States is supposed to be the richest country on the globe, and the only thing the people on the Gulf Coast are begging for is equipment to help clean up the oil. If Obama wants to look Presidential, he should be getting them that equipment, and leave the ass-kicking to somebody who looks like they have done that at some time in their life.

The truth—I was embarrassed for the President when he said that. It sounded silly.

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