It Really Is Hard To Listen To Any President Give A Speech
by James Glaser
June 16, 2010
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It was just as hard to listen to George Bush lie about how Afghanistan and Iraq could attack America as it is to listen to Barack Obama tell us that he has been on the Gulf Oil spill from day one and how he has thousands of people and thousands of boats working on clean up.

About 12 hours before Obama's speech, the New York Times was reporting how the clean up job on the Gulf Coast had been botched. Then President Obama gets on TV and starts telling us about how his government has 30,000 people working on the cleanup and that there are thousands, yes thousands, of boats working, too.

Next, Obama starts talking about how he had approved building barrier islands in the Gulf to keep oil off the coast. Just a couple of hours before his speech CNN was reporting how the Governor of Louisiana was defying the federal government and was ordering those islands to be built.

After that the President started talking about a new plan and some National Commission. Then he went right into how China was doing things right, and about all the new jobs and factories in America that are building solar panels and wind turbines. The speech got a bit chaotic here. I think Obama's idea of a factory and my idea of a factory are different. Obama's factory could be in a garage employing 20 guys and mine is a huge building with a thousand plus workers on three shifts.

So, here is what we are going to do, according to the President. We are going to "Seize the Moment." In political speak, that means we are going to pass legislation and spend money. We are going to pass some sort of Cap and Tax bill that the President admits will make energy costs go up in America, but, not to worry because that is a good thing, according to the President.

One thing I forgot all about, the President said cleanup of the Gulf will be going on for years. So maybe that is where the job creation thing comes in.

President Obama does not give many speeches to the American people, and I for one thank him for that. After this speech I figured out that Obama has no idea of how to stop that oil from coming out of that pipe. He didn't even talk about that. Also, he has no idea how to clean up the oil and didn't talk about that either. However, he knows how to put a Commission together, and he knows how to spend money, and he did talk about that.

I was happy the speech lasted only 18 minutes, I don't think I could have lasted any longer than I did.

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