You Know They Don't Listen To The Radio
by James Glaser
July 12, 2010
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I was driving home from Valdosta, Georgia, and had the radio tuned to NPR. They were talking to a woman whose unemployment check has been cut off by our Congress. Now you know those Congressmen and women turn those stations off when the reporters start talking to people that Congress is screwing over. They would have to, either that or they are the most heartless people on earth.

Maybe the heartless label is correct. The woman being interviewed, worked for a bank, and made a bit over $41,000 a year. She is a single mother supporting three kids. She was getting $355 a week in unemployment, which figures out to $18,460 a year. You know she had to make a lot of cuts in her budget after she lost her job, but now our Congress has laid her off, too.

Congress still refuses to get it together enough to pass an extension so that the tens of thousands of Americans, whose unemployment benefits have run out can still get a check. The problem is that the Republicans are standing on their principles, and the Democrats claim they are doing the same. Principles are just fine when lives are not at stake, but that is not the case here.

Families are losing the roof over their heads. This downturn in the economy is not like others. We have millions and millions of Americans out of work who have never been out of work before. This downturn is different, and the help these people need is different than the standard help given in the past.

Just maybe if members of Congress were forced to listen to programs like the one I heard on NPR, or better yet, if they were forced to talk face to face to the people they are screwing over, they would be able to get this extension passed and start working on programs that put people to work.

All we would have to do is stop making a few jet fighters or how about this, stop one of our wars. We have several going on, so let's cut out the one in Iraq, That would give us enough to pass a couple of extensions, plus put together a jobs bill.

I have heard people say, what would we do with all the troops if we brought them home. Well, that is easy. Put them down on our Southern border so that they could protect the Unites States from invasion.

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