I'll Admit It. I Don't Know What Is Going On.
by James Glaser
August 11, 2010
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I was reading today that the Federal Reserve is going to buy a whole bunch of "long term government debt." Does that sound like a good idea? Do you know anybody who has money in the Federal Reserve Bank? Does the Federal Reserve just print more money with which to buy that long term debt? I don't know.

Does the Obama administration have a plan to help the economy and get people back to work? I don't know

Are we headed into a time of inflation or deflation? I don't know that either, because some economists say we are headed one way, and other economists are saying we are headed the other way.

Should I be buying gold? Maybe, but there is a good argument for buying silver, and then there are people who keep telling me that long term, you can't beat the stock market. I don't know what to do.

The other day our electric line to the well shorted out, and we had no water. One thing I do know, water is important. I'm thinking generator, but what happens if you don't have fuel for the generator? Now I am thinking new well with a hand pump. I don't know; I like that idea.

I don't know what to do, and I am afraid President Obama and Congress don't know either. I do know if I owned a big company, I wouldn't be expanding , because if Washington doesn't know what is going on, the owners of companies and corporations don't know either. You can't expand if you don't have some idea of what the future will hold as far as costs and the economy goes.

I think we are all kind of stuck right now, and until we get some leadership we can trust, things are slowly going to head downward.

I don't know where things are headed, but I know what I can do. I can expand the garden, see about that new well with a hand pump, continue to enjoy my life with Wanda, and pray that our children and grandchildren continue to do well.

Even if you don't know what is going on, it is good to have a few goals to work on. It keeps your mind busy and your body strong, especially if like me, you don't know.

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