I Think This Is Wrong
by James Glaser
August 18, 2010
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Rod R.Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois, was convicted of one count in a twenty four count indictment. The federal government did everything they could to convict him. They had over 500 hours of wire taps on the governor's phone, but still the jury did not think the federal prosecutor had proven that the former governor was guilty.

So one guilty verdict out of 24 doesn't sound that bad for Blagojevich, but the federal government said they would recharge the former governor, and he could be back in court as early as next week.

I don't know much about this case, but I do know the federal government has all the money in the world to keep this man in court until they find a jury that will convict him. On the other hand, Rod Blagojevich doesn't have those deep pockets.

The prosecution can change their staff as often as they like to keep a fresh team in the courtroom, while the defense faces burn-out with every new trial.

I think the federal government gave it their best shot, and lost. There has to be other fish to fry or at least to charge in court.

But like I said, the federal government can and I guess in this case, will keep going back to the court room until they get a jury who will give them the convictions they want. That seems wrong to me.

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