Obama Asked For The Job
When Does He Take Charge?

by James Glaser
September 1, 2010
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Nobody forced Barack Husein Obama to become President of the United States. Obama wanted to be President, and he worked hard to become President, but now he keeps telling us that everything that is going bad is George Bush's fault.

Well, what I want to know is when President Bush is going to leave, and when Barack Obama is going to take over in Washington. Some day Obama is going to have to take charge and become responsible for what he does.

Barack Obama is an intelligent man. Some will tell you he is the most intelligent man to ever become president. Well, if that is true, he knew going in what kind of problems he would be facing as president. He should have known, because most Americans knew, and that is why they picked him over McCain. They didn't want more of the same with another Republican in charge.

So, when do we get the new President? When will Obama change the Bush administration spending habits? When do we get rid of the Patriot Act, the secret prisons, the torture chambers, and the secret wars in little countries around the globe? When do we get that open and transparent government Barack Obama talked so much about? When do all the troops come home?

When do we get that new President America voted for?

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