If Things Are Looking Up, Vote Incumbent
by James Glaser
October 11, 2010
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If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel for America, and if you and your family are doing well, then I wouldn't blame you a bit for wanting to keep things the way they are.

However, if "For Sale" and "For Lease" signs dot the sides of your town's commercial district, and your favorite restaurant has closed, and your kids are asking for a bit of financial help, maybe you should really think about this fall's vote.

I'm not talking Republican or Democrat. I'm talking about the current office holders of both political parties. In my way of thinking, the status quo is not good enough. I think it is Dr. Phil who said, "If you keep doing the same thing, and expect to get a different result, you are in trouble" or something close to that.

We have been reelecting the same people or at least 95% of the same people in election after election thinking that we are going to see some sort of change. In fact, the people we reelect keep telling us that if we give them another term, they will change things. You know what? They are lying.

So, this fall I am not voting for any incumbent. I also am not voting for any office holder who is trying to move up in the political hierarchy, as in a State office holder trying to get a federal office or a Representative trying to become a Senator.

I want fresh people with fresh ideas. People who have been in office that tell us they have a new idea, don't fool me. If they have to wait until the election to come up with something, they wasted their last term.

I know what the current Democrats want to do, and I know what the current Republicans want to do, and I don't like either one. I am sick of wars. I am sick of losing my freedoms. And I am sick of the lies that come out of Washington from both parties. Neither party is about to give us open and transparent government.

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