I'm Sick Of Our Television Media
by James Glaser
October 15, 2010
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The closer we get to the election, the more vicious the media gets. It doesn't matter which television station you turn on, as it only takes a few sentences before you can figure out what side of the political spectrum they are on.

The media does not believe in free and fair elections. They don't want you to listen to the candidates and hear what they have to say, without hearing their thoughts on it. They don't want you to make up your own mind on who to vote for. The media wants to take that right away from you. If the station you are watching has a conservative slant, they slam the candidate on the left, and if they are liberal, they slam the candidate on the right.

I now believe it is impossible for a television news caster to allow some clip about what a candidate said to be shown without making some sort of remark, either pro or con. They will not allow the American people to listen to a debate without spending time before the debate telling you what the candidates are going to say, and then spend more time after, telling you what they think the candidates said.

I think America was a freer country before we had television, and radio for that matter. People either read what the candidate said, or they heard them in person. Still the voters got to make up their own mind about who to vote for without snide remarks or out and out slander by media commentators.

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