Why Worry?
I Guess Everything Is Just Peachy

by James Glaser
February 14, 2011
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Everything must be OK, because neither the President nor Congress seem to be worried about anything other than what is going to happen in Egypt. The media isn't asking any domestic questions, except David Gregory on Meet the Press, who wanted to know what House Speaker John Boehner thought of the Birthers or those Americans who don't believe Barack Obama is really a Christian.

All the other Sunday morning programs were talking about Egypt. So things must be pretty good.

I don't know, maybe it is just me, but with about 20 million Americans out of work or under employed, and with a several million American households having gone through foreclosure in the last couple of years, I would think somebody in our government would be doing something to solve our economic problems.

It would be cool if the media would bring up our national debt and that Congress needs to decide if they are going to make some major spending cuts or just raise our debt ceiling again and borrow more money.

Just maybe, because those in the media and our government are so well-heeled, they don't have to worry about their children's future. They think their kids will be just fine, because they believe they will be able to pass on enough wealth to ensure their wellbeing.

I don't know, but for me and most of the people I know and live around, things are not just peachy, and our nation is worried. Watching Washington, and seeing what their priorities are, worries us even more.

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