War or Humanitarian Effort?
by James Glaser
March 21, 2011
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Senator John Kerry was explaining to the nation Sunday morning on Meet the Press that the United States has not gone to war in Libya, rather we have entered into a humiliation effort to protect innocent civilian lives. Isn't that just wonderful?

Of course to "protect" those lives, we are going to have to take some lives. And if we take those lives in let's say a city, there is a very good chance that we will inadvertently be taking some of those innocent civilian lives, too.

We have a name for that, it is called collateral damage. Doesn't the word "damage" sound so much better than say, killing, or murdering? It isn't so final, we are just damaging those innocent people who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Like say they are in their home or at work or at school. Even with precision bombing or using lazar guided rockets, the target is only as good as the intelligence we have about where the target is located

When we hit right on the right target, even if we hit it dead center, the shrapnel from the bomb or rocket and the debris from any vehicle our building is propelled for hundreds, maybe thousands of yards. That shrapnel will cut through a body like a hot knife through butter.

So, even with Washington's best of intentions, we are going to kill more innocent civilians than "bad guys." How can I be so sure? It is that way in every war, and even though the Democrats want to paint Barack Obama's war as a humanitarian effort, there is an old saying that goes like this, "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck."

Well, we are dropping bombs and firing rockets with the intention to kill and destroy people and things. No matter how Washington wants to describe those actions, the world knows that we are now at war with Libya.

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