It Really Makes Me Wonder Who Controls Things

Are You Scared Yet?
by James Glaser
September 23, 2011
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Have you noticed that other than Ron Paul, nobody running for President in 2012 is talking about ending all the wars we have going on or bringing the troops home? Why is that? And why is it that the major media outlets are doing their best to silence the only person who wants to end our wars and the expense they incur? You would think that would be big news.

President Obama, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is not talking about ending our wars either. In fact, he has started new ones. The Democratic faithful actually believe they belong to the anti-war party, but they put no pressure on President Obama to change his stance on war.

We expect talk of war out of the Republicans, and even though all the Republicans are running on fiscal restraint and smaller government, other than Dr. Paul, nobody seems to care about the trillions of dollars we keep spending on our wars. Why is that? Is there somebody calling the shots and controlling the media that we don't know about?

I remember years ago, everybody was talking about the Trilateral Commission and how George Bush the 1st wanted a One World Government. Maybe George spoke too soon, and it was discovered that Americans were not ready for that, so they put those open thoughts away.

Just maybe the people wanting a one world government are more politically savvy now and have figured out they have to have everything in place before they let us in on it.

I don't know all the answers, but I do know one thing—you and I have very little power in this country. We have been regulated to being watchers. The media controls the message, and they only let us hear what they want us to hear. Yes, there still is a Ron Paul, but he is old, and they will let him spout his ideas this one last time, but after this election cycle, there will be no one to challenge what is going on in Washington, and that is very scary.

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