There's No Place Like Home
by James Glaser
December 19, 2011
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There is no place like home after a stay in the hospital. I had my operation last Tuesday, and got back home Friday afternoon. I still have a catheter in me, and after a ten minute class on "how to remove your own catheter," I will be doing that this Tuesday.

Yes, I am a little nervous about that, but I do feel pretty good. Sitting at the computer is not very comfortable, so this will be short. I plan to write out a long column about my hospital stay in a couple of days.

Wanda has been just great and is right now making her homemade caramel corn. I took a walk around the property, and do want to start back working on projects, but they will have to wait a bit.

It looks like our winter bird population is moving in, so we will have to start adding feeders. Today the sun was out, and it was in the 60s. Just sitting outside in the sunshine does wonders for a recuperating body.

Dorothy sure was right, there really is no place like home.

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