Yes, You and Your Kids Have Every Right to Wear a Hoodie
by James Glaser
March 25, 2012
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Yes, and you can seek shelter under the only tree in a field during a thunder storm or skate on thin ice on the pond in early fall. You can make choices that are dangerous. That is your right.

Did you ever watch that TV show about the dumbest criminals? Many of the videos they show are men going into a gas station in an attempt to rob the place. Almost all of them are wearing hoodies.

Come to think of it, Hollywood has used guys in hoodies as the thug for decades. When they show pictures of Trayvon Martin, the boy shot to death in Sanford, Florida, he looks like a sweet smiling young man, but you put anyone in a hoodie, it ages them, and they sure don't look sweet any more.

When I was growing up, it was a black leather jacket and motorcycle boots that would brand you as a trouble maker. Right away people thought of you as Marlon Brando in the movie "The Wild One".

Hoodies do the same thing, and yes, here in the United States you have the right to dress anyway you want, but today it could cost you your life. No, that isn't right, but it is the truth. So before you decide to put that hoodie on or watch your child walk out of the house with his on, think about if being in that style is worth your life.

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