Washington Cuts Out the Check
by James Glaser
April 17, 2012
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The Obama administration has announced that soon no one will be sent a government check. The federal government will be making only direct deposits.

By Associated Press, Published: April 15

WASHINGTON — Starting next year, the check will no longer be in the mail for millions of people who receive Social Security and other government benefits.

The federal government, which issues 73 million payments a month, is phasing out paper checks for all benefit programs, requiring people to get payments electronically, either through direct deposit or a debit card for those without a bank account.

Our government claims they are doing this to save money, but cynical me sees another reason. First off, if you want your government check, you are going to need a bank account. Banks love this because they don't even have to sell us on the advantages of an account that pays almost nothing in interest. No need to pay interest, heck we should be happy the bank lets us get one. I bet it will not be long before banks make us pay a fee for using their bank to get our government money.

Secondly, if Washington is not sending out checks, we the people will not be able to cash those checks for cash. This could just be the start of Washington pushing us into a cashless society. If there is no cash, then people will not be able to buy things for cash, like labor. The underground economy of this country needs cash to function. Without cash we will be forced to use a barter system to avoid any sort of recorded money trail. No money trail, means no taxes, no record of what you bought or sold.

If Washington can force us into a cashless society, they will have total control over everyone. You don't do what they want, and you will find yourself with no account from which to transfer payments in or out. That means total government control.

What sounds like a money saving proposition today could well be total control of the American population tomorrow. Scary!

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