Friday’s Weekend Column
About a Minnesota Man Exploring Life in the South

One Thing Never Changes
by James Glaser
May 4, 2007

It doesn't matter if you are 30 miles from the Canadian border in Northern Minnesota or 30 miles from the border of Georgia in North Florida, in either place you have to work.

Humpty Dumpty

I have spent a lot of hours this month, trying to finish up a wall piece for the First Friday Gallery Hop at Rail Road Square. It is close, but it isn't finished. Here is a picture of it taken last week. As you can see, it is Humpty Dumpty, before his fall.

My son Garrett will be here tomorrow and that will be nice. We plan to teach each other how to use a new dove-tail jig I got last month. There are about a hundred pages of instructions. I hope they are easy to follow. This will be his first look at my new studio, and it is kind of nice that he is coming on a First Friday, as the studio looks its best then. Here are a few shot of the studio, the gallery section and the work room. You can see a oak bench I am working on, and some of the tools I use.



Workshop & Tools

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