Does Anyone Trust Us Anymore?

by James Glaser
May 20, 2002

Us is Washington and our leaders. Jimmy Carter was in Cuba for a visit with Fidel and any dissident that comes out in public. Hard to believe that Cuba has people opposed to Castro. He has been a dictator forever and we have always been told how autocratic his rule has been, so to have live dissidents right there in Havana is hard to believe. Almost as hard to believe as our Government that has been slamming Cuba for the last few weeks about biological weapons.

Just last week John Bolton, US undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, charged that Cuba was working to develop biological weapons and had shared such technology with other rogue states. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, told reporters that America believes Cuba has a biological offensive research capability, but we didn't say Cuba actually had some weapons. I believe Secretary Powell could say that about 75 other countries on this globe. A nation must build up trust, by being honest when talking about other nations.

Former President Carter met with a group of dissidents and one of these groups had presented a petition to the Cuban legislature, signed by 11,020 people asking for referendum as provided for in the country's constitution. These same dissidents now say that Mr. Carter did more for their movement with his visit, that they could have done in twenty years, on their own.

Wait just a minute here, this is Cuba, the same Cuba that we have been told is ruled by this army fatigue wearing dictator, Fidel Castro. Almost my whole life, my government has been telling me how Fidel rules Cuba and how the people have no say in their government. Now we find they have a Constitution, Legislature, a dissident movement, and these same dissidents are free enough to deliver a petition in Havana.

Get this, Fidel Castro has told a former American President that he can go on Cuban radio and TV. Fidel then said " you can express yourself freely whether or not we agree with part of what you say or with everything you say" Castro also said "You will have free access to every place you want to go."

Mr. Carter said that that President Bush and his administration had tried to undermine his trip by accusing Havana of developing weapons of mass destruction. "These allegations were made not coincidentally just before our visit to Cuba," Mr. Carter also said US Officials had told him before his visit that there was no evidence linking Cuba to the export of biological weaponry. Jimmy Carter asked our government, "did Cuba contribute in any way to terrorists activities?" And our Government said "NO."

Come on now, hasn't Washington learned that this lying will come out in the end and if they can tell Jimmy Carter that they were giving out false reports about Cuba, why can't they tell you and I. Does that make you wonder about the reports Washington has made about Iraq, Iran, and North Korea?

It seems like everything Washington says, people doubt. Just now we are finding out that President Bush was told about possible attacks on America by Osama bin Laden with hijacked planes. This in the months before September 11. The New York Times has reported that the an FBI agent reported that Osama might send his people to US Flight schools. Really why tell us, but they could have told the airlines and those flight schools. Better yet, they could have checked it out themselves, I think that is their job. Trust.

This week US Special forces killed five Afghans and captured 32, later on officials said that there was "no immediate indication" that the prisoners were either Taliban or from Osama bin Laden's terrorist group. Just a few months ago in this same region we killed 16 men, who were pro-government and captured 27. We released the 27 and paid compensation to the families of the 16 husbands and sons that we killed. Trust

Remember Operation Anaconda, where eight American young men were killed and in which we killed over 500 al Qaeda. Well when all was said and done they could only find about 40 bodies. Trust

Just a week ago we were told about the four caves filled with Osama's weapons and how we destroyed them? Well now it seems that those weapons belonged to Ibrahim Haqqani, a pro-government warlord on our side. This demolition of hundreds of tons of munitions was a "major blow to al Qaeda" and now it turns out we blew up our own weapons. Trust

It has come to pass, that our government in Washington no longer feels that it has to be honest with us or the rest of the world. I always thought America was like a "team" all working together to make our country better, but it now seems that the head coach (George Bush) has cut us from the "A team" and all the plans and plays are secret.

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