Please, Anyone But Henry

by James Glaser
December 3, 2002

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Henry Kissinger has the blood of thousands of innocent people on his hands and many of them are young Americans that died in the Vietnam war he prolonged for so long.

Henry has to check with his attorneys if he wants to travel outside the United States because there are so many countries that want to put him on trial. He has to know before hand if he will be arrested in some nation that wants to get justice for his crimes.

It seems only fitting that President Bush would pick Henry Kissinger to head an independent investigation into the intelligence failures in the September 11th terrorist attacks. Henry has always been good at telling Presidents just what they wanted to hear. President Bush has been against this investigation from the start. Right off the bat he refused to tell America just what that warning was he received before the attack. It is a secret.

The investigation is going forward because of the determination of the families of the victims. That doesn't stop the President from making a sham of it by putting Henry in charge. Now the President can feel safe because Kissinger has never passed on any secrets that hurt his boss and as Maureen Dowd has said, "If you want to get to the bottom of something you don't appoint Henry Kissinger. If you want to keep others from getting to the bottom of something you appoint Henry Kissinger."

This will be what they call a "White Wash." Oh Henry will come up with some report that makes the President and his administration look good, maybe even kind of heroes. Yes Henry Kissinger is that good.

America will never know what that August 2001 briefing about al Qaeda and its plans for an attack were that President Bush was given. Nor will we ever hear any thing that reflects badly on this administration, but we will see what a fine response to the terrorist attacks this President has made.

Yes, Doctor Henry Kissinger is that good and that is why he was chosen.

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